Будущее в деталях: Практические задания по Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect и Future Perfect Continuous

В английском языке времена Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect и Future Perfect Continuous играют ключевую роль в выражении будущих событий и их характеристик. Каждое из этих времен помогает описать будущее с разной степенью детализации и временной привязки.
Future Simple позволяет говорить о действиях, которые произойдут в будущем, Future Continuous — об их длительности в будущем моменте, Future Perfect — о завершении действий к определенному моменту в будущем, а Future Perfect Continuous — о действиях, которые будут продолжаться до какого-то момента в будущем.

Эти грамматические конструкции могут быть сложными для изучения, особенно когда речь идет о правильном выборе времени в зависимости от контекста. В этой статье представлены практические упражнения, которые помогут вам лучше понять и эффективно использовать каждое из этих времен.
Вы найдете уникальные примеры предложений для заполнения, которые помогут вам отточить навыки и уверенно применять Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect и Future Perfect Continuous.

Future Simple, Future Continuous


Определите, какое время нужно использовать (Future Simple или Future Continuous), и поставьте глагол в правильную форму.

  1. Tomorrow at this time, I (fly – лететь) to Paris.
  2. She (call – позвонить) you when she arrives.
  3. By next week, we (finish – завершать) the project.
  4. (they/help – помочь) us with the preparation for the party?
  5. This time tomorrow, we (drive – ехать) to the countryside.
  6. I (send – отправить) you the report as soon as it is ready.
  7. At 8 PM tonight, I (watch – смотреть) my favorite TV show.
  8. He (agree – согласиться) with our proposal.
  9. Next weekend, we (visit – навещать) my grandparents.
  10. (you/use – пользоваться) the car this afternoon?


  1. Tomorrow at this time, I will be flying to Paris.
  2. She will call you when she arrives.
  3. By next week, we will be finishing the project.
  4. Will they help us with the preparation for the party?
  5. This time tomorrow, we will be driving to the countryside.
  6. I will send you the report as soon as it is ready.
  7. At 8 PM tonight, I will be watching my favorite TV show.
  8. He will agree with our proposal.
  9. Next weekend, we will be visiting my grandparents.
  10. Will you be using the car this afternoon?
                    A car

Future Perfect


Поставьте глагол в форму времени Future Perfect.

  1. By the time the summit concludes, the committee (draft – составить) a comprehensive policy document on climate change.
  2. By next spring, the archaeologists (unearth – раскопать) all the artifacts from the ancient burial site.
  3. By the time the novel is published, the author (edit – редактировать) the manuscript for over a year.
  4. By the end of this decade, scientists (conclude – прийти к выводу) their longitudinal study on the effects of microgravity on human physiology.
  5. By the time the exhibit opens, the curators (assemble – собирать) a rare collection of historical manuscripts.
  6. By the time the startup launches, the developers (finalize – завершить) the revolutionary software application.
  7. By the end of the fiscal year, the accountants (reconcile – сверить) the complex financial discrepancies from the past quarter.
  8. By the time the research paper is presented, the team (compile – собирать) extensive data from fieldwork across multiple continents.
  9. By the end of the construction phase, the engineers (design – проектировать) an innovative energy-efficient building.
  10. By the time the policy is enacted, the advisors (evaluate – оценивать) the proposed reforms through rigorous simulations.


  1. By the time the summit concludes, the committee will have drafted a comprehensive policy document on climate change.
  2. By next spring, the archaeologists will have unearthed all the artifacts from the ancient burial site.
  3. By the time the novel is published, the author will have edited the manuscript for over a year.
  4. By the end of this decade, scientists will have concluded their longitudinal study on the effects of microgravity on human physiology.
  5. By the time the exhibit opens, the curators will have assembled a rare collection of historical manuscripts.
  6. By the time the startup launches, the developers will have finalized the revolutionary software application.
  7. By the end of the fiscal year, the accountants will have reconciled the complex financial discrepancies from the past quarter.
  8. By the time the research paper is presented, the team will have compiled extensive data from fieldwork across multiple continents.
  9. By the end of the construction phase, the engineers will have designed an innovative energy-efficient building.
  10. By the time the policy is enacted, the advisors will have evaluated the proposed reforms through rigorous simulations.
             An accountant

Future Perfect Continuous


Поставьте глагол в форму времени Future Perfect Continuous.

  1. By the time the restoration is complete, the conservators (restore – реставрировать) the fragile parchment manuscripts for nearly a century.
  2. By the end of the expedition, the geologists (analyze – анализировать) the core samples from the glacier for more than four consecutive months.
  3. By this time next year, the botanists (cultivate – выращивать) the endangered species of orchids in controlled environments for several breeding cycles.
  4. By the time the conference resumes, the researchers (debate – обсуждать) the ramifications of artificial intelligence for countless hours.
  5. By the time the performance begins, the dancers (perfect – совершенствовать) their intricate choreography for multiple rehearsal sessions.
  6. By the next fiscal quarter, the engineers (redesign – перепроектировать) the energy-efficient model for the company’s latest innovation for two long years.
  7. By the time the negotiations are finalized, the ambassadors (facilitate – содействовать) peace talks between the conflicting nations for nearly half a decade.
  8. By the conclusion of the literary festival, the poet (compose – сочинять) their epic narrative poem for an entire year.
  9. By the moment the new law is enacted, legal experts (examine – изучать) the constitutional implications for months of intense scrutiny.
  10. By the end of the solar cycle, the physicists (observe – наблюдать) solar flares and other phenomena for over a quarter of a century.
Вспышки на солнце
                Solar flares


  1. By the time the restoration is complete, the conservators will have been restoring the fragile parchment manuscripts for nearly a century.
  2. By the end of the expedition, the geologists will have been analyzing the core samples from the glacier for more than four consecutive months.
  3. By this time next year, the botanists will have been cultivating the endangered species of orchids in controlled environments for several breeding cycles.
  4. By the time the conference resumes, the researchers will have been debating the ramifications of artificial intelligence for countless hours.
  5. By the time the performance begins, the dancers will have been perfecting their intricate choreography for multiple rehearsal sessions.
  6. By the next fiscal quarter, the engineers will have been redesigning the energy-efficient model for the company’s latest innovation for two long years.
  7. By the time the negotiations are finalized, the ambassadors will have been facilitating peace talks between the conflicting nations for nearly half a decade.
  8. By the conclusion of the literary festival, the poet will have been composing their epic narrative poem for an entire year.
  9. By the moment the new law is enacted, legal experts will have been examining the constitutional implications for months of intense scrutiny.
  10. By the end of the solar cycle, the physicists will have been observing solar flares and other phenomena for over a quarter of a century.

Овладение временами Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect и Future Perfect Continuous существенно обогатит ваш арсенал грамматических инструментов для выражения будущих событий. Практика с упражнениями, представленными в этой статье, поможет вам лучше ориентироваться в различных временных рамках и тонкостях будущего времени.
Регулярное использование этих конструкций в письменной и устной речи позволит вам точнее и выразительнее передавать свои мысли.
Продолжайте решать практические задания и применять изученные времена в реальных ситуациях.
Помните, что постоянная практика и внимание к деталям помогут вам достигнуть значительного прогресса в изучении английского языка. Надеемся, что эти упражнения станут ценным ресурсом на вашем пути к языковому совершенству.


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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: